E.N. Story


Forum Weinerei

If you would like to go out and have some wine in a pleasant and cozy environment, you should certainly visit Forum Weinerei! It is located just 500m from the U Rosenthaler Platz metro station and 2km from the city center. It was recommended to us by some friends and, to our surprise, we had an extraordinary experience that will stay with us for years to come! Firstly, we had to book a table because after 8 in the evening there is a sort of wine-tasting event going on and it gets pretty crowded. We paid 2€ each as an attendance fee and were offered two glasses of wine upon it. Then, the lady informed us that we could have as many glasses of wine as we wanted and that we could leave as much money as we liked in return! The same rule applies to food, but we had just had dinner, so we stuck to the wine. Basically, the deal is that you eat and drink as much as you want and pay whatever you think it was worth. We should point here, though, that they know very well how much you had to eat and drink and they calculate the cost before you do. So, if you think you could get away with it and pay less, they will start shouting and demand more!! They evaluate the cost of each glass of wine at 2-3€. We each had 2 more glasses of wine, summing up to 3 glasses per person, so when it was time to pay we gave 5€ each (10€ for the both of us) and left happy and content! We really enjoyed the whole experience, due to its playful and mysterious nature, as we hadn’t been to a place like this ever before. Lots of the wine varieties offered is of their own production, as they explained, although the taste was nothing really special. What we didn’t find that amusing was the waitress’ attitude and the way she spoke to us. But we were certainly entertained by this unique fusion of wine-tasting, playful concept and warm environment.

Cost: €€€
Total score: ????

Hilde Cafe

Hilde Cafe does not normally attract lots of tourists, so that makes it a perfect spot for you to enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee, away from all the noise. It is located 700m away from the U Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (Berlin) metro station. The shop’s atmosphere is very cozy and friendly, partly because of its wooden floor, and there are several seating options, like wooden or fabric chairs, as well as large and small couches. The staff’s kindness and helpful service was another pleasant note to the overall experience. You can visit the café any time of day as it serves amazing breakfast food, delicious salads, cold dishes, croissants, delicacies and the freshest hand-made cakes; it was a shame that we had already eaten so we couldn’t try all of them! It’s a great place for you to relax and charge your batteries! If the weather is cold you can sit inside, preferably by a window; but if the weather allows it, you can get a table outside and enjoy it! Prices are standard (for Berlin). Make sure you try their hand-made cakes, you won’t regret it.

We suggest you to try: The hand-made Nutella cake

Cost: €€-€€€
Total score: ????

Berlin Bar 203

Berlin Bar 203 is located in the very heart of the city, in Berlin’s Television Tower and stands 203 meters tall (as its name implies)! Our visit to the tower for drinks was one special and fascinating experience, as we had the chance to enjoy our cocktails with a panoramic, evening view of the city. The service was very good and the environment charming and accessible to everybody. Inside the bar you will meet tourists that wander around enjoying the view, but also lots of locals, proving that it’s a great choice for a night out! The bar is open every day until 00.00. We think that the best time to visit it is on a weekday around 22.00, when it is less crowded (in terms of tourists).

We suggest you to try: It’s Cocktails

Cost: €€€€
Total score: ????

Cafe lebensArt

This spacious and charming shop is on Unter den Linden Street, one of the most central streets in Berlin. Cafe lebensArt offers coffee, food and drinks and we decided to visit it one day, as we felt like having a hot beverage before going back to our hotel. But it proved to be a major disappointment; the chocolate that we had was really flavorless and we got the vibe that the staff just wanted to get rid of us. Although it is big, bright and impressive on appearance, it really has little to offer you; the staff’s attitude along with the indifferent and highly priced products made it not worth our while. We wouldn’t recommend it, despite the fact that it stands on such a central location and thousands of people pass by it every day.

Cost: €€€-€€€€
Total score: ?

The texts depict objectively and honestly everything that we saw and encountered during our stay, at the specific time period that we visited them. Travelen holds no responsibility for any possible changes regarding prices, decorations, service, change of management or anything else that you might find different during your visit. It is also worth mentioning that our review/opinion pertains ONLY to shops that we have visited.