If you would like to go out and have some wine in a pleasant and cozy environment, you should certainly visit Forum Weinerei! It is located just 500m from the U Rosenthaler Platz metro station and 2km from the city center. It was recommended to us by some friends and, to our surprise, we had an extraordinary experience that will stay with us for years to come! Firstly, we had to book a table because after 8 in the evening there is a sort of wine-tasting event going on and it gets pretty crowded. We paid 2€ each as an attendance fee and were offered two glasses of wine upon it. Then, the lady informed us that we could have as many glasses of wine as we wanted and that we could leave as much money as we liked in return! The same rule applies to food, but we had just had dinner, so we stuck to the wine. Basically, the deal is that you eat and drink as much as you want and pay whatever you think it was worth. We should point here, though, that they know very well how much you had to eat and drink and they calculate the cost before you do. So, if you think you could get away with it and pay less, they will start shouting and demand more!! They evaluate the cost of each glass of wine at 2-3€. We each had 2 more glasses of wine, summing up to 3 glasses per person, so when it was time to pay we gave 5€ each (10€ for the both of us) and left happy and content! We really enjoyed the whole experience, due to its playful and mysterious nature, as we hadn’t been to a place like this ever before. Lots of the wine varieties offered is of their own production, as they explained, although the taste was nothing really special. What we didn’t find that amusing was the waitress’ attitude and the way she spoke to us. But we were certainly entertained by this unique fusion of wine-tasting, playful concept and warm environment.
Cost: €€€
Total score: ????